Paying it Forward

Train More Midwives



Birth in Color Midwifery is deeply committed to training and mentoring the next generation of midwives, particularly those who will go on to serve the out-of-hospital birth community. We believe that education is not just a foundation for skill-building—it is a vehicle for justice, representation, and change. In a healthcare system where racial disparities and lack of cultural understanding continue to impact birth outcomes, cultivating a diverse, empowered workforce of midwives is critical.

We offer a clinical learning environment that is both inclusive and rigorous—one that encourages students to challenge assumptions, embrace complexity, and build relationships rooted in trust and cultural humility. By exposing students to a wide range of birthing experiences in community settings, we prepare them to meet families where they are, honor their lived experiences, and provide holistic, respectful, and transformative care.

While we are intentional in creating space and pathways for midwives of color, we do not limit our training opportunities by race or background. We welcome all students who are aligned with our mission, values, and commitment to equitable, community-centered care.

Training midwives of color and creating dynamic pathways into this profession is not only about increasing numbers—it’s about shifting the culture of birth work itself. At Birth in Color Midwifery, we see education as a powerful act of healing, leadership, and legacy-building that will shape the future of birth for generations to come.

Meet Dr. Lakeeta Watts (midwifery student)

Lakeeta is a current student working with Birth in Color Midwifery since September 2024. She is an amazing asset to the practice and gives a unique perspective to the families she has been given a chance to work with. She brings a wealth of knowledge that is a true asset to the practice.

LaKeeta completing a blood pressure assessment on a client with clear communication.

LaKeeta integrating the family while listening to fetal heart tones with a client’s consent.

Lakeeta’s Voice to the Community she wants to serve

“Ever since I was a young teen, I knew I wanted to support the growth and development of babies with my first thought being neonatology, but after having my children, I knew I wanted to become something more intimate.”

“Becoming a midwife has been God-instilled upon me. My grandmother and great-grandmother were traditional midwives and one was also a teacher. It’s been in my nature to want to educate families on their birth journeys and support them in ways that could influence their birth outcomes. My Vision in Midwifery is honestly already happening as I am learning daily about the growth and development of babies in-utero.”

“My vision is to continue to make home-birth the norm in order to elevate the voices of our birthing people and their partners about their perinatal desires, and to provide access to education at the hands in an intimate level that will aid in supporting families in their most sacred time of growing their bundles of joy.”

Lakeeta Watts is a Full Spectrum Doula and Trainer, National Community Health Worker and Instructor, Placenta Encapsulation Instructor, Trauma Informed Care Instructor, Mental Health First Aid advocate, Student Midwife, and Mother of five. Lakeeta is also the Founder/Executive Director of Essentially Empowered, Inc. and co/founder of TLC Community Health LLC.

Lakeeta’s presence compliments everything that Birth in Color Midwifery represents. She is genuine and ready to learn.
— Ashley F., BIC Client